Statement of Commitment
Dear Human,
I want you to know that I care for your well-being. You matter to me. Your life is valuable. I am committed to diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging. I sincerely welcome people who represent the rich tapestry of diverse identities and life experiences.
I do not tolerate hateful rhetoric, bigotry, or any form of oppression. I do not relate to those who find purpose and meaning in stealing another’s bodily autonomy. I reject the white supremacist misrepresentation of history I learned in school.
I value human life and connection. The more diverse we are, the more grounded our collective humanity is.
I am compelled to act alongside you in protest and step up on your behalf in my allyship with you. I value breaking down barriers, stirring the pot, and promoting access for all. I will help in removing obstacles to human thriving that create conditions of survival.
I am committed to leaning into my discomfort and embracing my lack of knowledge as I evolve away from previous versions of myself. I will continue letting go of certain family customs, cultural traditions, and divesting from things I enjoy when at another’s expense and exploitation.
And not look back. It doesn’t look the same.
With cultural humility and genuine curiosity, my goal is to hold a therapeutic space that centralizes your voice. I hope you feel seen and listened to by me. You can tell me when I misunderstand, use harmful words, or miss the deeper implications of statements either of us make. I will listen with respect, non-defensiveness, and put my ego to the side.
If you revisit this living document, I hope you will notice an evolved version. Feel free to reach out if you have feedback. I value your thoughts and feelings:
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
Orwell, 1984
Version 03.22.24